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Castle Clash Review

Ok guys. Let get to the next review. A mobile strategy game, Castle Clash. Similar to the other mobile strategy game but Castle Clash is MUCH BETTER than the rest of the mobile strategy game (Better than Clash of Clan[COC]). Why? Because the best feature in this game is the hero. For the first time you play this game, you might think the heroes in this game are a little bit similar to the heroes in Dota 2. The troop also didn't vanish once you use in battle (in Clash of Clan; once you use the troop, it will vanish and you need to wait for 1 hr to get your troops back) , troop that died in battle only will be gone. Moreover, there are Spells in this game which is really epic and useful in battle. Hmm... OK, let me explain it one by one why this game is the Best and Better than COC.


There are 4 types of Heroes in this game. For your information, Heroes in this game are from all superheroes Movie, dota 2 game, and etc.

1. Sacrifice
 Sacrifice Heroes are heroes that are used (consumed) to increase other Heroes' skill levels. They can not be used in battles or for tower garrison purposes. Its not that useless (except for slime) because you need this Sacrifice Heroes to Upgrade your heroes skill.
Slime Icon Crystal Ooze Icon Gelatinous Champion Icon
    SlimeCrystal OozeGelatinous Champion

2. Ordinary
Ordinary Heroes have the lowest stats, but are inexpensive and are therefore good for beginners. They introduce the player into the game, but they are not especially strong. They can be useful for tower when they already reach level 6 to put in garrison to increase range of the tower.

Angel Icon Marauder Icon Hill Giant Icon
    Angel              MarauderHill Giant
Engineer Icon Frost Witch Icon Dryad Icon
EngineerFrost WitchDryad
Alchemist Icon Marksman Icon

3. Elite

Elite Heroes have mediocre stats. However a few of them are on par with the lesser Legendary Heroes. Its really good for mid game and even for the rest of the game because some of the heroes can match the legendary heroes. Assassin on par with Ninja because both deal critical damage. And its good for tower garrison. Elite Heroes increase tower's health and damage.

Executioner Icon Assassin Icon Werewolf Icon
 Executioner        AssassinWerewolf
Cyclops Icon Shaman Icon Pain-Da Icon
Serpent Queen Icon Ice Demon Icon Triton Icon
Serpent QueenIce DemonTriton


Legendary Heroes most generally have the highest stats and are among the strongest of all Heroes. Some of them can only be obtained by Gem rolls (i.e. Pumpkin Duke, Snowzilla, Cupid, Aries) or by in-game purchases (Spirit Mage, Minotaur Cheiftain) or through event (Moltanica). There is roughly a half percent chance per Gem Roll of getting a specific Legendary hero, or about a 50% chance after 172 rolls (172 x 150 = 25800 gems need to roll, haha... you have to wait for about a year to collect 25800 gems unless you buy the gems).

Legendary heroes is the best to put in Tower's garrison as it multiple the tower damage deal to heroes (good for Hero Trials)

Paladin Icon Champion Icon Succubus Icon
  Paladin            Champion
Druid Icon Ninja Icon Thunder God Icon
Thunder God
Atlanticore Icon Grizzly Reaper Icon Immortep Icon
Grizzly Reaper
Spirit Mage Icon Minotaur Chieftain Icon Pumpkin Duke Icon
Spirirt Mage
Minotaur Chieftain
Pumpkin Duke
Snowzilla Icon Cupid Icon Aries Icon
Moltanica Icon



The Boss in this game can be fought through Guild. Winning the boss fight can earn you Honor Badge (HB). Dinosaur only appear through Here Be Monster Challenge.

Centaur Scout Icon Centaur Elite Icon Centaur King Icon
    Centaur Scout     Centaur Elite
Centaur King


See, many heroes in this game. And Bosses too. There are also heroes under construction and will be release in the future. Each Heroes have their own Ability and random Talent. Which mean that you need to have strategy on your Heroes formation. This my Formation:

 ( Ultimate Formation)
1. Druid                          [healer/support]
2. Champion                   [stunner]
3. Pumpkin Duke           [increase speed/dealer/support]
4. Cupid                         [increase energy/support]
5. Atlanticore                 [tanker]
6. Snowzilla                   [carry/dealer]

Other Clashers out there might be wonder why Snowzilla? Why not Succubus? Haha... relax guys. Snowzilla can hit non-stop damage with his ability plus large HP and DPS. So, this is my Ultimate Formation but still its depend on what event you are in. So, its for you to decide.

B. Troops

Troops are the units that can be used in Raids, Dungeons and the Here Be Monster Challenge.
There are four different Troop types with three tiers for each Troop type that can be hired in Army Camps.

If a unit dies while attacking another player, doing HBM or in a Dungeon, it will have to be replaced. This doesn't apply if your own base is attacked by another player while you're offline. Troops that dies in Raids on your own base will be regenerated immediatly afterwards. You can keep using Troops in battles again if they are not killed. Unlike COC or the other game, they will vanish once you use the troop in battle then you to wait again. So, it just a waste of time (for COC fans out there, don't send me a death treat. I'm telling the truth only. Sorry)

There are 12 types of troops in this game and 4 Classes.

1. Normal/Melee

Normal troop attack ground units only. They have the highest movement speed and large health. Good for Charging attack.

Guardian Hammer Dwarf Savage Ogre
  GuardianHammer Dwarf        Savage Ogre

2. Ranged

Ranged troops attack Ground and Air units.This is the most useful unit in all battle. They have large health and got a good range (you don't need to destroy wall during raids). Medium damage.

Hunter Centaur Shotgun Dwarf
Hunter Centaur Shotgun Dwarf

3. Magic

Magic troops attack Ground and Air units. This troop has the Largest damage and some of them are air units (advantages against Normal Units). They lack of heath (lowest health) BUT you can plan your raid well for example, deploy normal units first, the tower and enemy troops will focus on your normal troops and then you deploy Magic unit and....KaBoom! You win! Ha ha.

Pyromancer Griffin Fairy Dragon
Pyromancer Griffin Fairy Dragon

C. Battle


This is the HIGHLIGHT guys. They are variety and EPIC kind of battle in Castle Clash.
There are currently eight different ways to battle in Castle Clash: Raids, Dungeons, Here Be Monsters, Heroes Trial, Challenge a Boss, Team Dungeons, Hero Expeditions and Torch Battle.

1. Raids

Attack player
In Raid, a player attacks another player's base. Unlike Dungeons, Entries are not required for Raids. After a Raid by any player, the one who was Raided will recieve a Shield if his base was destroyed by at least 50%, preventing further players from attacking for up to 10 hours.
You can steal up to 25% of an enemy's resources if you use the Raid feature in the Battle menu. If you attack a player directly by searching for them on the Ranking Listing or through Battle Reports, you can steal up to only 5% of their resources, and will not gain any Experience .
It is possible to earn Gems through raids. Two of Four Daily Tasks require you to steal resources from another player. The amount of resources depends on your Might. For every 1 Might, the player must steal 30 Gold & Mana.

2. Dungeons

Attack dungenDungeons are preset AI-controlled bases that can be attacked to gain Gold, Mana, Hero Shards, Honor Badges, and Experience.
An Entry is required to enter a Dungeon. Any player has a maximum of 5 stored Entries. Whenever the number of entries is less than 5 they will regenerate at a rate of 1 per 20 minutes.
If you have 0 entries remaining, you have the option to spend 100 Gems to instantly recieve the full amount of Entries you may store. However, this is a rather expensive way of acquiring them, as it only takes 1 Hour and 40 Minutes to regenerate all 5 entries.

3. Here Be Monster
Here Be Monsters New
The Here Be Monsters event is similar to most other Tower Defense games.
The unique trait of this event is how the monsters are spawned from random positions. Each wave will never play out the same way twice. Your strategy will have to consider all possibilities in order to successfully overcome this challenge.
As a general advisory, non-defensive buildings can be used as obstacles to protect your actual defensive buildings. This buys you more time for your Troops and defenses to defeat the invading monsters as they will have to destroy these buildings before they can move onwards.

4. Heroes Trial

Heroes TrialThe Heroes Trial event is very similar to Here Be Monster.
But instead of 5 waves of heroes and troops, Heroes Trial incorporates single wave of heroes. The heroes are tough to kill given the time to activate. Breaking up the team of heroes and may be different heroes selected would be great.

5. Challenge a Boss

Centaur Chieftain
The Guild can do only one daily Boss fight to earn Honor Badges. When the Boss is activated, the guild has 30 minutes to defeat him and receive their reward. Every member that participates will receive the reward, regardless of placing on the leader board or not. If the Boss is not defeated, participates still receive prizes but the prizes this case is lower than when they can defeat the boss. Below is some info for you.

Type Centaur Chieftain
Boss 1
Centaur Chieftain
Boss 2
Centaur Chieftain
Boss 3
Guild Level 1 3 5
Guild Credits 50 Credit 300 Credit 600 Credit
Hitpoints 24,000,000 Ico hp 80,000,000 Ico hp 120,000,000 Ico hp
Attack Speed 1000ms 1000ms 1500ms
Damage/Attack 6,000 6,000 12,000
Damage/Skill 10,000+ 10,000+ 15,000+
Skill Effect Damages enemies in an arc Damages enemies surrounding him (Max: 5 targets, Cooldown: 6 seconds) Damages and stuns 5 enemies surrounding him for 1,5 sec
Re-Join Cool Down 15s 15s 15s
Amount of Guild Credits Charge for Cool Down Re-enter 5 credits Credit.png 10 credits Credit.png 15 credits Credit.png
Joining Reward (If boss is killed, rewards is increased to 500%) 85 Main honor (425 Main honor) 170 Main honor (850 Main honor) 340 Main honor (1700 Main honor)
HB reward for every 1% DMG, max 30% (if boss is killed reward is increased to 300%) 1%: 35Main honor (105Main honor) 30%: 1050Main honor (3150Main honor) 1%: 70Main honor (210Main honor) 30%: 2100Main honor (6300Main honor) 1%: 140Main honor (420Main honor) 30%: 4200Main honor (12600Main honor

6. Team Dungeons

Team dungeon portalTeam Dungeons is a new event which was added last update version 1.2.55, where players can work together to beat the Centaur Boss inside the dungeons. Players can cooperate with each other setting up their powerful heroes to fight against the Boss which is Immune to Coma. There is 4 Mesa Storm Levels and each levels composed of powerful enemy heroes with one strong Boss. Beating the boss gives Higher chance of amazing rewards.

7. Hero Expeditions

HeroexpeditionThe Hero Expeditions are a feature added in the update to version 1.2.52. You can access it through the Arena .
Only heroes can take part. The big advantage is, that you can use 15 heroes and even duplicates. But you cannot use multiple heroes of the same type at the same time. The game determines players might. Advancing to the event gives Merit  Merit.png and Honor Badges HB.png as a rewards for every expedition point completed.

8. Torch Battle
Room Flame

Torch Battle is an event added to Event Tab in Guild Hall. The event category is to Protect and Steal Guild's Flame Fire.png by defeating the other guild's Hauled Heroes that protects that flame (fire). The Event opens every Wednesday and Saturday from 9AM server time and lasts 12 hours.All members of Guilds that rank in the top 3,000 in the Guild Rank can participate in Torch Battle.While a Torch Battle is open, you can join by tapping your Guild, selecting Events, followed by selecting Torch Battles.When Torch Battles begin, Guilds will be divided into 10 groups based on their ranks. You can only capture Torches and have yours taken from other Guilds in the same group.Torches are earned by capturing them from other Guilds and guarding your own. Rewards are based on how many Torches your Guild owns when the battle ends. If a Torch Battle ends while you are still attempting to capture a Torch, you will have failed that capture.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Castle Clash is a game that will always Update and lots of new features are still under development.

See guys? got a lot of fun and cool stuffs in this game. So, you all should start played this game. It is highly recommended to you all. This game can kill your times as you waiting for bus or traffic jam or something. Ha ha!

My rate for this game is 10/10... Might give extra credit for it.

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